Multi-function Airborne Raman LiDAR (MARLi)

Multi-function Airborne Raman LiDAR (MARLi)

The Multi-function Airborne Raman LiDAR (MARLi) was developed to provide water vapor, temperature, aerosol, and cloud profiles within the planetary boundary layer. After completion of the design in late 2014, MARLi was successfully flight tested on the UWKA and the NSF/NCAR C-130 for over 60 hours in the summer of 2016.

Incorporating our two part breadboard as the main mounting feature for all of the transmit and receiving components reduces mass (total weight of 75lb) while maintaining high stability. The MARLi system includes a laser transmitter, a 40cm aperture Ritchey-Chretien telescope, and a customer-designed receiver assembly. A custom lightweight frame mounts the breadboard to the seat tracks and window well of the aircraft. 18 wire rope isolators oriented to optimize stiffness relative to crash load directions secure the breadboard to the frame.

The exposed telescope assembly on the underside of the breadboard required extra care when handling and shipping the assembly. WMD designed a frame for safe and efficient assembly, in addition to securing the system during shipment. An in depth assembly procedure was provided to outline the aircraft installation process step-by-step, increasing installation efficiency and ensuring proper mounting practices.

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